Cytracom Mobile (iOS)

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Force Logout of User On App
Today we realized there might be an issue that needs to be looked at on the mobile app. I had to let an employee go who was using the mobile app when he was not in the office or working remotely. Although I have disabled his account in our Cytracom portal and reassigned that extension to the new employee who took his place, the terminated user still has access to the mobile app since he was logged into it on his personal phone. (we provide cell phone reimbursements instead of providing business mobile devices) So when I called the extension that use to be his, which should have rang the new users phone, the app rang on the terminated employees phone. (he actually called me back and said he had a missed call from me) Now I know I can set the system to ring only the desk phone only, but this does not stop the terminated employee from using the app to make calls, change settings and etc. So as long as that user stays logged in on his phone, there is a chance he can use to make and receive calls as my business, although he no longer works here. I called support and they told me there is no way to force logout a user or extension from the app unless the user does it. There needs to be a way to disconnect an employees, or terminated employees, phone from the system from the admin panel regarding the mobile app. This presents an issue that our company, or any of your clients, could be misrepresented by an angry ex-employee. A force logout of the extension or user account on the mobile app is highly needed for situations like this.
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